Trace Colors
A | B | C | D
Provides the 31 minor and trace elements required by corals value pack

How it works
Trace Colors A|B|C|D supplements contain the 31 minor and trace elements present in the skeleton and soft tissue of all corals.
The elements in each supplement are related by their biological function and are associated with the production of specific color pigments (pink, red, green/yellow and purple/blue) in the soft tissue of stony corals. All 31 elements are required by all stony corals irrespective of the actual color the coral displays.
For best results in displaying coral colors use Red Sea’s NO3: PO4-X as part of the complete Reef Care Program.
Value pack includes:
Red Sea’s Trace Colors A|B|C|D Provides the 31 minor and trace elements required by corals:
Trace Colors A – Halogens (I2, Br2, F2)
Trace Colors B – Potassium & Boron
Trace Colors C – Fe & 7 complementary metals
Trace Colors D – 18 bioactive trace elements
Trace Colors A|B|C|D should only be dosed according to a measured requirement of the aquarium.
Package size/volume:
4×100 ml (3.38 fl. Oz.)
How much to supplement
To easily achieve your reefing goals, check out our online MyRecipe wizard, which recommends optimal water parameters, supplements and salt.
Try MyRecipe Wizard
How much to supplement
To easily achieve your reefing goals, check out our online MyRecipe wizard, which recommends optimal water parameters, supplements and salt.
Try MyRecipe Wizard
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Where to buy
Trace Colors A|B|C|D is available in the following stores near you:
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Where to buy
Trace Colors A|B|C|D is available in the following stores near you:
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